Does getting visible make you nervous/excited?

I can vividly remember the day I announced Life With Passion on Facebook. I’m getting the same nervous pit in my stomach just thinking about it.

I was in the living room of my old house, with a post typed up on my laptop, and I couldn’t quite bring myself to hit “post.”

I messaged my coach and said, well, I’m so anxious that I’m either going to throw up or work out...but I’m going to post it.

I hit “post” (because now I’d said I would!) and immediately turned on a hard workout video to distract myself with some burpees and other such craziness.

It might not look like putting myself out there is hard for me, 4 ½ years later, but the truth is, there are STILL things I feel nervous about.

I might have gotten comfortable writing guest posts for places like HuffPost and Thrive, and I might not sweat (and have to talk myself off the ledge) before I do a podcast interview anymore, BUT when I think about my next goal/level, which is being on television, this girlfriend gets that very same nervous/excited feeling.

And the truth is, so does EVERY friend, client and colleague I’ve ever talked to about this.

That nervous/excited feeling? It actually means you’re on the right track!

So you can train yourself to recognize it as a good sign rather than as something to avoid.

Because, as George Addair said, “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of your fear.

Does reading this bring any of your own experiences of getting visible to mind?


Behind the scenes of my podcast launch…


Practical tips on how to solve the right problem!