Do you feel you are meant for MORE?

Do you see yourself in this description? 👇

When clients first come to me, there are consistent themes I see time and again. A lot of times these high-achieving women know they are meant for MORE. They may be going through a difficult transition like a layoff or divorce, or the difficult-slash-wonderful 😀 transition of becoming a mother.

These women want something different for lives and want to live on their own terms...

✔️They want to travel more.

✔️They want to have more freedom.

✔️They don’t want to have an income cap placed on their trajectory, OR

✔️They don’t want a crushing career path laid out for them for the next few decades, feeling like they’re just waiting for retirement (which is no way to live)

And so when they reach that point they start looking for help, they will have the answer shown to them. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Have you worked with a coach (myself or otherwise)? Does this describe you and more importantly, HOW DID YOU CHANGE as a result of coaching? 👇


You need to train your brain to think like an entrepreneur.


In order to have something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.