In order to have something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

In order to have something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

🤔 What does this look like - tangibly? When you have this dream to do something more; a dream for “something you’ve never had?”

I would say that the first thing is to make a decision--by definition it cuts off other options and gives your brain a good “problem” to work on. What do I want to do next? Maybe it’s a book you want to read on how to do it or maybe a mentor comes across your screen, someone you’ve been following for awhile, but for whatever reason, THIS is the moment in which you are ready.

That’s what happened to me. My first coach came through my Facebook newsfeed and I WAS READY. Any other time, it probably would have just been a regular evening on Facebook for me. But the switch had already clicked in me. It was really scary, because I never spent money on myself in that way. Prior to this, I was very much a “I’m going to figure it out on my own...and for free!” kind of person.

But I realized I had already spent so much money on myself for college and grad school, why wouldn’t I be willing to invest more directly in myself to help me figure out what I really wanted to do--especially when this was a brand new road for me? So I signed up with someone I knew, liked and trusted, who I thought I could learn from, and who had already been there and would kick my butt. I put money into something so I had some skin in the game. I did something I’ve never done before to get something I’d never had before... and I’ve never once regretted it.

Get honest with yourself about something that’s been holding you back for years and what it’s going to take to overcome it. 🔥 Make a serious commitment to prioritizing this in your life, to rewiring and retraining your brain to something more in alignment with the results you want.

We make a lot of excuses, and we have to come to the point that we don’t want to make excuses anymore.

Want to learn EXACTLY where to start (or re-start) to build a 6-figure business doing work you're passionate about? Download the first chapter of my #1 bestselling book, The Income Replacement Formula: Seven Simple Steps To Doing What You Love And Making Six Figures From Anywhere for FREE by clicking here.


Do you feel you are meant for MORE?


If I haven’t worked really hard then I am not worthy of receiving it; I don’t deserve it because I haven’t worked hard enough for it.