Marketing To Get More Clients - Life With Passion

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Practical tips on how to solve the right problem!

Practical tips on how to solve the right problem!

I want you to think about a time when you felt like you were making traction or having success in your business. When you felt the most clarity in your biz, when you had the most success, either by dollars earned or people connected with, or figuring out your niche.

Think about that time. Pick up your journal and read back to that time. Dig through emails. Look through your calendar. Ask yourself, "What was I doing leading up to that time?" You might find clues that your memory had forgotten.

*Maybe your morning routine was on point at that time. *Maybe you’d been consistently meditating and journaling. *Maybe you were taking care of yourself physically with regular exercise and healthy eating. *Maybe you had been working with the right coach or were receiving real accountability.

It’s not always going to be the same answer, and it’s not going to be the same from person to person. But if you can think back, and deconstruct your success, your moments of clarity, and what might have been involved in your success, it’s the most important thing you can do right now in determining your next right step.

>>KEY TAKEAWAY: We are always looking outside of ourselves, but often looking inward is what we need to be doing.

Can anyone think of something off the top of their heads that has directly or indirectly contributed to their success in the past?