85% of designing the work you love is internal process

➡️ Go inward first. ⬅️

What happens when we decide we want to DO THIS? We want to go after our dreams of life on our terms, of freedom and of a business that lights us up.

We say “well I would love to do that but I have no idea what to do.” So we look outward… What’s out there? What’s a smart industry to go into? What would make me feel comfortable, just like my 9-5? What would make me feel secure?

You need to do the exact opposite.

I took this from Dan Miller’s book, 48 Days to the Work You Love... 85% of designing the work you love is internal process.

➡️ Focus on this FIRST.

I teach knowing your 3Ps - Personality 😀, Passions ❤️, & Preferences ✅. And when you combine those three things, and get to know yourself, when you do the work to discover those things, then the process--the rest of building out a business you love is simple--because you have that filter.

And when you have the combination of your 3Ps - then you can find the sweet spot of your ideal possibilities for work, just like my Venn diagram shows here.

Maybe you can start to sketch one out this weekend and start making some notes.


Are you in the epidemic of overload?


You need to train your brain to think like an entrepreneur.