Have you ever hired a coach or mentor to help you with your dream?

🗨️ "Take me to the moment when you are having those initial conversations with clients - why are they showing up to talk to you?"

I think for most high achievers it’s hard to ask for help… a lot of us really want to prove our worth and value and our ability to do and achieve something. As my toddler would say, “me do it, all by me-self.” 😂

We have that mindset and we’ve spent years trying to figure this out on our own. We’ve listened to the webinars, to the audiobooks, and we’re banging our head in frustration at what we are doing wrong. Why does it seem like everyone else is making this happen besides me? Something has to change, this isn’t working.

So by the time I talk to my clients, they’re desperate to figure it out. They have a dream to run a successful business. They’ve reached the point where they’re saying, “I’m finally willing to ask for help from someone who knows what they’re doing and has the kind of results I want for myself.”


Have you ever hired a coach or mentor to help you with your dream? Why, ultimately, did you finally show up with them?


-- My episode of the Biz Women Rock with Katie Krimitsos is live and I wanted to share some fave tidbits directly with you. Click below to listen to the 30 minute episode on your next drive, workout, or as background inspiration while you work!



Have you had a "bang your head against the wall" moment in your biz?


Prioritizing FUN and JOY is the closest thing to a magic business-building bullet I’ve found!